Installing the P80 Console
Media Adapter
Edition Information
P/N 303072-101 rev A
Copyright © October 2013 Precor Incorporated. All rights
reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice.
This document applies to Preva version 3.3 and P80 console
software version 3.3.
Trademark Note
Precor, AMT, EFX, and Preva are registered trademarks of
Precor Incorporated. Other names in this document may be
the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
Intellectual Property Notice
All rights, title, and interests in and to the software of the
Preva Business Suite, the accompanying printed materials,
any copies of such software, and all data collected via the
Preva Business Suite, are exclusively owned by Precor or its
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Precor is widely recognized for its innovative, award-winning
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Precor Incorporated
20031 142nd Ave NE, P.O. Box 7202
Woodinville, WA 98072-4002
Table of Contents
Installing the P80 Console Media Adapter
Installing External Receivers
The P80 Media Adapter option allows a P80 console to
display content provided by external receivers instead of the
console's internal tuner. For those facilities that use such
receivers to process incoming TV signals, the Media Adapter
provides the exercisers with exactly the same user
experience. They select television channels from the same
channel guide and switch between television and other
information (such as Preva Net or the Goal Compass) in the
same way.
The Media Adapter accepts 720p x 60 fps video signals
through an HDMI connection from one of several different
external receivers. (Refer to the receiver list accompanying
this manual for the receiver brands and models we support.)
The only control mechanism that these receivers have in
common is an infrared (IR) remote control. Because of this,
the P80 Media Adapter acts as the remote control for each
receiver that is certified to work with it.
Caution: Be sure to install, configure, and test the external
receiver and channel guide for the first P80 console before you
perform the procedures in this chapter for the other consoles.
Once an IR transmitter is attached to each receiver, it cannot be
removed easily.
Installing the P80 Console Media Adapter
About Channel Types
With the addition of the Media Adapter, the P80 console
supports an extremely wide variety of television (TV) and
video formats. In addition, working with an external receiver,
the console can support some formats in more than one way.
For example, some receivers can accept a combination of
satellite, cable, and Internet channels, passing all of them to
the console through an HDMI cable.
The following figure and table show the possible paths that
TV and video signals can take to reach the P80 consoles in a
typical facility.
Note: Some of these signal paths may not be installed at your
Figure 1: Channel paths to the P80 console
Installing External Receivers
Table 1. Signal path comments
Element Comments
Various incoming types of TV and video signals reach
your facility from a combination of cable, satellite,
broadcast, and Internet sources.
The local head end equipment at the facility receives
cable, terrestrial broadcast, and satellite TV channels and
reassigns them to other channel numbers if necessary.
External receivers installed next to each P80 console
receive cable TV, satellite TV, and Internet Protocol
(IP)-based video signals and reassigns them to other
channel numbers if necessary.
Note: The specific types of signals available through the
external receiver may vary depending on its brand and
model. Refer to the documentation accompanying your
receivers for more information.
TV signals from the head end reach the console through a
coaxial cable. The cable is connected to the console's
internal tuner through an F-type connector.
Internet-based (IP) video segments and playlists reach
the console through its Ethernet connection.
Video signals from the external adapter reach the console
through its HDMI connector.
To avoid confusion, this manual describes incoming channels
in terms of how they reach the consoles.
If a channel arrives at the console through This manual refers to it as
A coaxial cable
An HDMI cable
An Ethernet cable
A cable channel
An HDMI channel
An IP channel
Installing the P80 Console Media Adapter
Configuring Receivers
To configure and test the external receivers that you plan to
use with P80 consoles, you must have the following tools
HDMI-compatible monitor capable of displaying a 720p
signal at 60 frames per second
Infrared remote control from one of the receivers
Important: Before you start to configure the receivers, review and
familiarize yourself with their instructions. You must know how to
reach the configuration menus before you begin the following
Tip: If possible, configure the receivers before you arrive at
the fitness facility. This prevents you from carrying the
monitor around the facility to configure each receiver as you
install it.
To configure each receiver:
1. Connect the receiver’s power supply to the receiver and
to an AC power outlet.
2. Connect the monitor to the receiver.
3. Connect the receiver to a source of an appropriate
television signal.
4. Turn on the receiver and use its configuration menus to
select the following options:
720p resolution (1280 x 720) x 60 fps
Closed captioning (if the facility requires that closed
captioning be available, you must configure it within
the receivers)
Installing External Receivers
Creating the Channel List
While one of the receivers is connected and operating, create
a list of the channels that should eventually be available in the
channel guide on the P80 consoles. For each channel, note
the digit sequence that you must enter through the remote
control to select the channel directly (without using the
"channel up" and "channel down" buttons).
Tip: In many cases, the channel listing furnished by the
facility's TV service provider contains the digit sequence
information you will need.
If you are using I-O DATA receivers, choose the twelve
channels that the facility’s owner wants to offer. Program
these channels into the quick selection list, while making note
of which channel is assigned to which quick selection key.
Important: When configuring or moving a DirecTV receiver, do
not press its Resolution key.
Installing the P80 Console Media Adapter
Attaching HDMI and Remote Control Cables
to Consoles
Before you remove the access cover from a
P80 console or change any of its connections,
make sure that it is disconnected from its
power source. If the console is already
installed on a piece of fitness equipment, make
sure that the equipment is disconnected from
its power source as well.
When you remove the access cover from the back of each
P80 console, you will see two cables that have already been
connected inside the console housing, as shown in the
following figure and table.
Figure 2: Media Adapter connectors within the P80 console
Installing External Receivers
Table 2. Media Adapter connector identification
Connector Function
Connector Type
HDMI socket
Remote control Three-connector locking interconnect
After you have routed the HDMI extender cable and the
remote control cable through the framework of the fitness
equipment and the console mount, attach them to these
Note: For specific information about routing cables through
the fitness equipment, refer to the assembly guide for the
specific equipment model you are working with (AMT, EFX,
treadmill, or bike).
Installing the P80 Console Media Adapter
Installing Receivers in Junction Boxes
Each external receiver in your facility must be housed in a
high-capacity junction box. This enclosure is a direct
replacement for an existing T-junction; its ventilation slots
and elevated receiver platform keep the receiver cool during
use, while space has been set aside on its lower level for the
receiver’s power supply.
When you place the receiver in the junction box, position it so
that its controls face upward and its connectors face
downward, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 3: Receiver and cable slot positioning
Note: If you need to pass the HDMI and remote control
cables through the back of the junction box, insert them into
the slot in the base of the box (shown in the previous figure).
To close off unused raceway openings in the box, insert an
end cap as shown in the following figure.
Figure 4: End cap installation in junction box
Installing External Receivers
Connecting Receivers
The IR transmitter is fitted with an adhesive foam gasket.
When attached to a receiver, this gasket keeps the
transmitter positioned correctly and seals out any room light
that filters in to the junction box.
Important: The foam gasket is lined with an extremely strong,
permanent adhesive. Do not remove the liner from the gasket until
you are ready to install the IR transmitter.
To connect a receiver:
1. If necessary, attach the power supply cable to the power
connector on the receiver.
2. Attach one end of the HDMI cable to the HDMI extender
cable leading out of the piece of fitness equipment on
which you are currently working.
3. Attach the other end of the HDMI cable to the HDMI jack
on the receiver.
4. Locate the IR port on the receiver. This port is usually a
small, transparent opening in the front panel of the
receiver, but it may be designed to be difficult to see.
Important: If you are not sure about where the IR port is,
refer to the documentation for the receiver or contact the
receiver's manufacturer.
Installing the P80 Console Media Adapter
5. Position the IR transmitter so that the gasket can
surround the IR port without placing any strain on the
remote control cable.
6. Remove the liner from the gasket.
7. Make sure the gasket does not block any part of the IR
port, then press the IR transmitter into place as shown in
the following figure.
Figure 5: IR transmitter placement
Configuring P80 Consoles
After the external receivers have been installed and
configured, configuring P80 consoles to recognize them
involves the following tasks:
Activating the Media Adapter on each P80 console
Building the channel list on the first console
Exporting the finished channel list from the first console
to the others
This chapter discusses how to perform these tasks.
Editing the Channel Guide
Each P80 console contains a formatted text file, called
channel-guide.json, that describes the channel guide on that
console. Precor provides a software utility called the Precor
Channel Editor that makes creating or modifying this file easy.
Precor Customer Support will send you an email message
containing a hypertext link. Clicking the link downloads a .zip
archive file, which contains the installer and the user guide for
the utility. Refer to the user guide for instructions on how to
create and edit the channel guide file.
Installing the P80 Console Media Adapter
Activating the Media Adapter
By default, the P80 console is configured to use its internal
tuner instead of the Media Adapter option. Before you can
import your finished channel list file, you must activate the
Media Adapter.
To configure the P80 console to accept signals from the
Media Adapter:
1. On the Welcome screen, press and hold Pause.
Figure 6: Pause key
2. While holding Pause, press each of the following keys
once in the order presented. Referring to the diagram
below, press:
1 2 3 4
Channel Up
Volume Down
Volume Up
Channel Down
Figure 7: Settings security code
3. Release Pause.
4. Using the keyboard on the screen, touch the following
numbers to enter the password:
5 6 5 1 5 6 5
5. Touch OK.
Configuring P80 Consoles
6. At the Settings menu, select System Settings, then TV
Settings, then TV Source.
7. Select Set Top Box from the TV Source list, then touch
8. Touch BACK twice to return to the Settings menu.
To import the channel guide file:
1. On the Settings menu, touch System Settings, then TV
Settings, then Export/Import Channel List.
2. When the box is selected, touch Import from USB. The
current channel guide file is loaded and the Channel
Guide displays the updated channel names.
3. Touch OK to return to the System Settings menu, then
touch BACK to return to the Settings menu.
4. Touch BACK twice to return to the Welcome screen.
Important: You must return to the Welcome screen before
you remove the USB drive.
Installing the P80 Console Media Adapter
Exporting the Channel Guide to other
P80 Consoles
After you have installed the channel guide file on the first P80
console and tested it there, export it to a USB drive to
distribute it to the other P80 consoles in your facility. In
addition to saving time, this ensures that the channel list is
consistent on all of your fitness equipment.
To export the channel guide file from your console:
1. On the Welcome screen, press and hold Pause.
Figure 8: Pause key
2. While holding Pause, press each of the following keys
once in the order presented. Referring to the diagram
below, press:
1 2 3 4
Channel Up
Volume Down
Volume Up
Channel Down
Figure 9: Settings security code
3. Release Pause.
Configuring P80 Consoles
4. Using the keyboard on the screen, touch the following
numbers to enter the password:
5 6 5 1 5 6 5
5. Touch OK.
6. Insert a USB drive into the console.
7. On the Settings menu, touch System Settings.
8. On the System Settings menu, touch TV Settings, then
Export/Import Channel List.
9. When the box is lit, touch Export to USB. The channel
guide file is saved on your USB drive.
10. Touch OK to return to the System Settings menu.
11. Touch BACK twice to return to the Welcome screen.
Important: You must return to the Welcome screen before
you remove the USB drive.
12. Remove the USB drive from the console.
Note: Before you can import the channel guide to the other
P80 consoles, you must make sure that the Media Adapters
Installing the P80 Console Media Adapter
Installing the P80 Console Media Adapter
If you encounter problems with the Media Adapter, please
check the common solutions in the following table before
contacting Precor Customer Support or your Precor dealer.
Possible Solutions
No picture or sound is
played on one or more
Verify that all cables are in place
and fully connected.
Verify that the dialing sequences
set in the channel guide are
If you are using I-O DATA
receivers, check that the quick
selection list on the receiver has
been set up correctly.
Check that the receiver is still set
to 720p. If not, use a remote
control to reconfigure the
The cable channels (or the
HDMI channels) on the
channel guide are not
displayed correctly.
The P80 console cannot receive
both HDMI channels and cable
channels at the same time.
After the user changes the
channel, the text messages
describing the new channel
remain on the screen for
seven seconds or more.
If you are using I-O DATA
receivers, check that the quick
selection list on the receiver has
been set up correctly and that the
channel guide on the P80 console
is using it.
Some receiver manufacturers
design this behavior into their
software, and there is no way to
deactivate it.
Servicing the Media Adapter
Removing and Replacing the IR Transmitter
Under most circumstances, Precor does not recommend
removing the IR transmitter once it has been mounted on the
external receiver. However, you may need to remove a
transmitter for one of the following reasons:
The transmitter is not operating correctly.
The transmitter's programming has been lost or
corrupted, requiring you to reconfigure it using a remote
Before you remove the transmitter, make sure you have the
following items available:
A short piece of black thread, slightly longer than the
transmitter is wide
A replacement for the transmitter (if it is defective) or the
adhesive gasket (if the transmitter can be reused)
To remove the IR transmitter:
1. Pull the thread tight and position it against the surface of
the external receiver.
2. While keeping the thread tight, move it across the surface
of the receiver so that it cuts through the adhesive gasket
as close to the receiver as possible.
3. Lift the IR transmitter off of the receiver.
4. Remove as much gasket material from the receiver and
the IR transmitter as possible.
5. If you can reuse the same IR transmitter, remove the
backing from one side of the new adhesive gasket. Apply
the new gasket to the transmitter in place of the old
Once the surface of the receiver has been cleaned, you can
replace the IR transmitter using the same steps as you used to
Installing the P80 Console Media Adapter
Obtaining Service
Do not attempt to service the equipment except for
maintenance tasks. If any items are missing, contact your
dealer. For more information regarding customer support
numbers or a list of Precor authorized service centers, visit
the Precor web site at
P80 Media Adapter Installation Guide
303072-101 rev A
Precor Incorporated
20031 142nd Avenue NE
P.O. Box 7202
October 2013
Woodinville, WA USA 98072-4002
Receiver Brands and Models
Supported by the P80 Media Adapter
Precor Incorporated
20031 142nd Ave NE, P.O. Box 7202, Woodinville, WA 98072-4002
1-800-347-4404 •
303097-111 rev A, en-us
October 2013
© 2013 Precor Incorporated
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