Symantec Backup ExecTM 11d for
Windows Servers
Quick Installation Guide
September 2006
Quick Installation Guide - Table of Contents
System requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
About the Backup Exec services account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Installing Backup Exec options to the local computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Upgrading from previous versions of Backup Exec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Before starting Backup Exec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Starting Backup Exec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Quick Installation Guide
Symantec Backup Exec
11d for Windows Servers
Quick Installation Guide
This guide provides instructions to help you install Backup Exec 11d for Windows
Servers and its options to local servers by using the Backup Exec installation program.
For information about any of the following installation scenarios, see the chapter titled
"Installing Backup Exec" in the Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Servers Administrator’s
Install Backup Exec from the command line.
Install Backup Exec media servers to remote computers.
Install Backup Exec remote agents and options on remote servers.
Install the Backup Exec Remote Administrator.
The Administrator’s Guide provides complete instructions to help you set up and use
Backup Exec. The Administrator’s Guide is available in PDF format on the installation
CD and in online help format from the Help menu in Backup Exec.
System requirements
System requirements
The following are the minimum system requirements for running this version of Backup
Minimum system requirements
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server (with Service Pack 4 and Update Rollup
1 for Service Pack 4)
Operating system
Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 Editions
Microsoft Windows Storage Server 2003 (with Service Pack 1)
Microsoft Windows Storage Server 2005
Microsoft Windows XP (with Service Pack 2)
Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition
Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2000 (with Service Pack 4)
Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003 (with Service Pack 1)
Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2005
Microsoft Windows Microsoft Management (MOM) 2005
Microsoft Windows Data Protection Manager
application support
Internet browser
Internet Explorer 6.0 or later. Service Pack 1 is required for SQL Server
2005 Express.
Intel Pentium, Xeon, AMD, or compatible.
Required: 256 MB RAM
Recommended: 512 MB RAM (or more for better performance)
Note RAM requirements may vary depending on the operations
performed, the options installed, and the specific computer
For the Central Admin Server Option: 512 MB RAM required, 1 GB
Virtual Memory Recommendations: 20 MB above the Windows
recommended size for total paging file size (total for all disk volumes).
Quick Installation Guide
Before you install
Minimum system requirements
Item (continued)
Disk space
696 MB (Typical installation)
805 MB (Includes all options)
Note Disk space requirements may vary depending on the operations
performed, the options installed, and the specific system
configuration. Backup Exec databases and catalogs will require
additional space.
Network interface card or a virtual network adapter card.
CD-ROM drive.
Other hardware
(Recommended) A mouse.
(Optional for pager notification) Modem supported by Microsoft
(Optional for printer notification) Printer supported by Microsoft
Storage hardware
Backup Exec requires at least one storage media drive or single-drive
robotic library and the appropriate controller card. You can also use
removable storage devices and non-removable hard drives. Refer to the
Backup Exec hardware compatibility list for a complete list of supported
Support for a single robotic library drive is available when you purchase
Backup Exec. To enable support for additional robotic library drives, you
must purchase the Backup Exec Library Expansion Option.
Before you install
Before you install Backup Exec, you should do the following tasks:
Run the Backup Exec Environment Check on the computer on which you want to
install Backup Exec. The Environment Check analyzes the computer to make sure
that the installation process can complete. If Backup Exec finds configuration issues
that can be fixed during the installation, or that may prevent the installation,
warnings appear. Although the Environment Check runs automatically during
installation, you may want to run it manually before you install Backup Exec or
before you back up data with Backup Exec.
Symantec Backup Exec 11d for Windows Servers Quick Installation Guide
About the Backup Exec services account
Install the storage device hardware (controller, drives, robotic libraries) on the
media server. Refer to the documentation that is included with your storage device
hardware for installation instructions. Use the appropriate Windows hardware
setup functions to configure your controller and storage devices. Refer to your
Microsoft Windows documentation for more information.
Check your Windows security settings to make sure they work properly with the
Backup Exec service account.
If the drive on which you want to install Backup Exec is encrypted or compressed,
and you would like to use a default SQL Express database, verify that an
unencrypted and uncompressed drive is available for SQL Express installation.
Exit all other programs.
About the Backup Exec services account
All Backup Exec services on the media server run in the context of a user account
configured for the Backup Exec system services. You can create this account during the
Backup Exec installation, or you can use an existing user account. To create a service
account for Backup Exec during installation, enter the name and password of an
Administrator account for the Backup Exec services to use.
If this computer is in a domain, enter a Domain Administrators account, or an
equivalent account that is part of the Domain Admins group. In the Domain list, select
or enter the Domain name.
If this computer is in a workgroup, enter an Administrators account, or an equivalent
account that is part of the Administrators group on the computer. In the Domain list,
select or enter the computer name.
The account that you designate for Backup Exec services, whether it is a new account or
an existing user account, is assigned the following rights:
Authenticate as any user and gain access to resources under any user identity.
Create a token object, which can then be used to access any local resources.
Log on as a service.
Administrative rights (provides complete and unrestricted rights to the computer).
Backup operator rights (provides rights to restore files and directories).
Manage auditing and security log.
Due to security implementations in Microsoft Small Business Server, the service
account must be Administrator.
Quick Installation Guide
Installing Backup Exec to a local computer
On a computer that runs Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP, you cannot install
Backup Exec with a service account that has a blank password. If you attempt to do so,
the following error message appears when Backup Exec services are created:
The given password is not correct for account [server]\[username].
You can configure Windows to allow for blank passwords. For more information, see
your Windows documentation.
Installing Backup Exec to a local computer
The Backup Exec CD includes an installation program that guides you through the
installation process.
If you want to install Backup Exec to a non-English version of Windows, you must
download the SQL Express SP1 setup file from the Microsoft Web site before you install
Backup Exec if all of the following are true:
You want to use a local Backup Exec SQL Express instance.
You have non-English SQL Server instances on the computer on which you want to
install Backup Exec.
In addition, if you upgrade from a previous version of Backup Exec that uses a
non-English version of Windows, you must download the SQL Express SP1 setup file
from the Microsoft Web site.
Note If you install Backup Exec through Terminal Services and the installation media is
on a shared drive (CD-ROM or network share), you must install it using a UNC
path. Installation via mapped drives is not supported in this situation.
To install Backup Exec to a local computer
1. From the installation CD browser, click Installation, and then click Start the
Backup Exec Installation.
1. From the installation CD browser, select the option to install Symantec Backup Exec.
2. On the Welcome panel, click Next.
3. Select I accept the terms of the license agreement, and then click Next.
4. Check Local Install, and then click Install Backup Exec software and options.
Symantec Backup Exec 11d for Windows Servers Quick Installation Guide
Installing Backup Exec to a local computer
5. Click Next
For first-time installations and for upgrades, the Backup Exec Environment Check
runs automatically after you click Next.
6. Review the results of the Environment Check.
7. Do one of the following:
If the Environment Check does not reveal any issues that may prevent a
successful installation of Backup Exec, click Next.
If the Environment Check reveals any issues that may prevent a successful
installation of Backup Exec, click Cancel to exit the wizard. Correct the issues
before you attempt to install again.
8. Do one of the following:
If you have serial
numbers for Backup Exec
and its options
After you activate the product, Symantec sends license keys to
you. License keys are required to install Backup Exec and its
options. You can access the Web site from any computer that
has Internet access.
When you receive your license keys, go to step 9
If you have license keys
for Backup Exec and its
Go to step 9.
9. Select one of the following methods to enter license keys:.
Type a license key into the license key field.
To manually enter
license keys
Click Add.
Repeat for each license key for each option or agent that you want
to add.
Click Import.
To import license
keys from a file
Select the besernum.xml file.
Leave the license key field blank.
Proceed to step 9.
To install an
evaluation version
10. Click Next.
Quick Installation Guide
Installing Backup Exec to a local computer
The license keys that you entered are saved to the besernum.xml file, located in the
Windows or WINNT directory.
11. Select any additional features to install.
All features that you do not select have a red X in the feature icon. To enable any of
these options, click the X, and then click This feature will be installed on
<computer name’s> hard drive. If the feature icon is shaded, the option is not
available for change.
12. Do one of the following:
To change the directory Click Change to select a new directory.
where the Backup Exec
files are installed
To accept the default
Proceed to step 12.
directory (recommended)
Symantec recommends that you do not select a mount point as the destination
directory because if you delete the mount point, Backup Exec is uninstalled.
13. Click Next.
14. Provide a user name, password, and domain for an Administrator account that the
Backup Exec system services can use, and then click Next.
15. On the Symantec Backup Exec Database panel, do one of the following to select a
location to store the Backup Exec database:
Click Create a local Backup Exec SQL Express instance to
store the database on.
To create a local Backup
Exec SQL Express
To change the location of the database, click Browse.
Select the location, and then click OK.
Symantec Backup Exec 11d for Windows Servers Quick Installation Guide
Installing Backup Exec to a local computer
Click Use an existing SQL Server 2000 (SP3a or later) or SQL
Server instance on the network to store the database on.
To use an existing SQL
Server 2000 or SQL
Server 2005 instance
Select the instance.
Note When Backup Exec is installed into an existing instance, the
automated master database restore feature is not available.
To recover the Master database, you must replace it with the
Master database copy that Backup Exec automatically
creates and updates when the Master database is backed up.
When Backup Exec is installed into an existing instance, the
Cluster Configuration Wizard is not available.
During the installation process, Backup Exec stops and starts the SQL Server
instance that you select several times. This might affect other applications that use
the SQL Server instance.
16. Click Next.
Backup Exec attempts to connect to the instance.
17. If the Select path to SQL Express setup file panel appears, perform the following
steps to identify the location of the SQL Express SP1 setup file:
Click Browse.
Navigate to the location where you downloaded the SQL Express SP1 setup file.
Click OK.
Click Next.
18. If prompted, select how the Symantec Device Driver Installer should install device
drivers for the tape storage devices that are connected to the server, and then click
It is recommended that you select Use Symantec device drivers for all tape devices.
19. If you are prompted, enter information or choose settings for additional options that
you want to install. Click Next after each selection.
20. Read the Backup Exec installation review, and then click Install.
The installation process takes several minutes to complete. During the process, the
progress bar may not move for several minutes.
21. When the installation is complete, you can view the readme, create a shortcut to
Backup Exec on the desktop, and restart the computer.
Quick Installation Guide
Installing Backup Exec options to the local computer
22. Click Finish to close the installation wizard.
If Restart System appears, restart the computer in order for the configuration to
take effect.
An installation job log named bkupinst.htm is created in the Application Data
folder on the computer where Backup Exec is installed. This file lists any errors that
may have occurred during installation. The last line of the log indicates if the
installation was successful and if you must restart the computer.
After you install Backup Exec on the media server, Backup Exec Workstation Agent
software can be installed and configured on remote workstations on the network.
Installing Backup Exec options to the local computer
You can install additional options, such as the Library Expansion Option, when you
Backup Exec and want to install additional options, you should first review the section
on that option to ensure that you have met all minimum requirements.
If you have installed the Evaluation version of Backup Exec or have installed the Not For
Resale (NFR) edition, you can install evaluation versions of the additional options.
Note If you install Backup Exec through Terminal Services and the installation media is
on a shared drive (CD-ROM or network share) you must install using a UNC path.
Installation via mapped drives is not supported.
The Backup Exec services are stopped while the additional options are installed. If any
active jobs are running, you are prompted to stop them, or to wait for the jobs to finish.
Note If the Central Admin Server Option is installed, and you want to install additional
options on a managed media server, you can pause the managed media server to
prevent the central administration server from delegating jobs to it. When the
installation is complete, un-pause, or resume, the managed media server.
To install Backup Exec options to the local computer
1. Start Backup Exec for Windows Servers or verify that it is running.
2. On the Tools menu, click License Keys and Installation.
3. On the Welcome panel, click Next.
4. Verify that Local Install and Additional Options are selected, and then click Next.
Symantec Backup Exec 11d for Windows Servers Quick Installation Guide
Upgrading from previous versions of Backup Exec
5. Select one of the following methods to enter license keys:.
Type a license key into the license key field.
To manually enter
license keys
Click Add.
Repeat for each license key for each option or agent you want to
Click Import.
To import license
keys from a file
Select the besernum.xml file.
Leave the license key field blank.
Proceed to step 6.
To install an
evaluation version
6. Click Next.
7. Verify that the additional options are selected for installation, and then click Next.
8. If you are prompted, enter information or choose settings for additional options that
you want to install. Click Next after each selection.
9. Read the Backup Exec installation review, and then click Install.
The Backup Exec services are stopped while the additional options are installed. If
any active jobs are running, you are prompted to stop them, or to wait for the jobs to
When the installation is complete, the services are restarted.
10. Click Finish.
Upgrading from previous versions of Backup Exec
This version of Backup Exec for Windows Servers replaces any previous versions. No
separate migration or upgrade utility is necessary. Most settings and all catalogs and
data directories from previous versions of Backup Exec are kept (for example, when the
TSM option adds registry settings). At the end of the installation, the upgrade process is
summarized. Only Backup Exec version 9.x and later can be migrated to this release.
The new version of Backup Exec for Windows Servers (including the Evaluation version)
replaces any current installation. Separate installations of different versions cannot
exist on the same computer.
Quick Installation Guide
Before starting Backup Exec
For information on how to migrate templates from Backup Exec version 9.0 and 9.1, see
the topic titled "Migrating Templates from Previous Versions of Backup Exec" in the
Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Servers Administrator’s Guide.
Before you upgrade Backup Exec, do the following:
Delete job histories and catalogs that you no longer need to shorten the upgrade
Run a database maintenance job.
To upgrade from Backup Exec version 8.0 or later
2. Enter license keys for Backup Exec, and for each Backup Exec option that you want
to install, and then click Next.
Read the Installation Review. To add additional license keys, click Back until the
Symantec Backup Exec license keys page appears. Enter the license keys, and then
click Next to continue.
3. On the Back Up Existing Catalog and Data page, enter or browse to a directory to
which you want to back up all existing catalogs and data. The default location is:
C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Data
If you do not want to keep previous catalogs and data, click Do not back up previous
data and catalogs.
4. Click Next to continue.
Before starting Backup Exec
For best results before starting Backup Exec, do the following:
Make sure your storage devices are connected and configured properly.
Decide if your backup will be to a tape device or a disk device. You can configure
both devices when you prepare your Backup Exec environment.
If you’re backing up to a tape device, verify that the device is supported. You can
install drivers for the devices when you configure your Backup Exec
Symantec Backup Exec 11d for Windows Servers Quick Installation Guide
Starting Backup Exec
If you’re backing up to a disk device using the Backup-to-Disk feature, decide
where you can create a backup folder. You should create it on a disk that won’t
be included in the backup jobs and that has enough free space to contain the
backup job. For more information, see “About backup-to-disk folders and files in
the Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Servers Administrator’s Guide.
Understand how Backup Exec provides overwrite protection for your media. For
more information, see “Media overwrite protection in the Symantec Backup Exec for
Windows Servers Administrator’s Guide.
Understand the default media set and its infinite overwrite protection period. For
more information, see “About the media overwrite protection level in the Symantec
Backup Exec for Windows Servers Administrator’s Guide.
Learn about creating new media sets with weekly, monthly, or quarterly retention
periods. For more information, see “Default media set in the Symantec Backup Exec
for Windows Servers Administrator’s Guide.
Decide what Windows credential you want your Backup Exec logon account to use
when browsing and making backup selections. You can use an existing account, or
create a new one. You’ll be prompted for a default Backup Exec logon account when
you configure your Backup Exec environment. For more information, see “Creating
a Backup Exec logon account in the Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Servers
Administrator’s Guide.
Decide the format that you want to display all reports, either HTML or Adobe
Portable Document Format (PDF). The default setting is HTML. For more
information, see Setting default options for reports in the Symantec Backup Exec for
Windows Servers Administrator’s Guide.
Starting Backup Exec
To start the Backup Exec Administration Console, click Start > All Programs >
Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Servers.
If you selected the option to add an icon to your desktop when you installed Backup
Exec, you can also double-click the icon to start Backup Exec.
Quick Installation Guide
Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
How do I run a backup job?
There are several ways to run a backup, depending on your backup needs and level of
experience with Backup Exec. Use one of the following to run a backup job:
Ways to run a backup job
If you are a
New user
Do this
Use the Backup Wizard, which guides you through the setup of a
backup job.
Experienced user
Do one of the following:
On the navigation bar, click the arrow next to Backup, and then
click New Backup Job to configure the options for a backup job.
On the navigation bar, click Job Setup to create a policy to use for
multiple backup jobs.
Use Windows Explorer to create a backup job.
Where can I find the wizards?
You can find wizards in the following locations:
Location of wizards
To access wizards
Do this
On the Backup Exec
On the Help menu, click Backup Exec Assistant.
On the Tools menu
On the Tools menu, click Wizards.
Where can I find the Readme file?
You can find the readme in the following locations:
Location of readme
To access the readme
Do this
In the Backup Exec
In the directory where Backup Exec was installed. The default
directory is C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec.
Symantec Backup Exec 11d for Windows Servers Quick Installation Guide
Frequently asked questions
Location of readme (continued)
To access the readme
On the Help menu
Do this
On the Help menu, click ReadMe File.
Where can I find the online documentation for Backup Exec?
You can find the online documentation in the following locations:
Location of documentation
To access the
Do this
On the Help menu, click Backup Exec Assistant.
On the Backup Exec
Under Documentation, click View Symantec Backup Exec
Administrator’s Guide.
On the Help menu
On the Help menu, click Administrator’s Guide.
How do I get in touch with Technical Support?
You can contact Technical Support the following ways:
Ways to contact Technical Support
To contact technical
Do this
On the Help menu, click Backup Exec Assistant.
Under Technical Support, click Backup Exec Technical Support.
On the Backup Exec
On the Help menu
On the Help menu, click Symantec on the Web>Online Support.
Quick Installation Guide
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